038 Question everything | Laura Childs

‘What if…’ changes our path. Opens a world of possibilities. And in that world we might find something fantastic, or fierce, about ourselves and our bodies and our personal power
— Laura Childs -

When I first heard Laura’s story I was thrilled to know that she is both a healthy weight advocate and passionate about real food.  No shakes and pills!  How wonderful that her willingness to help others achieve what she and her daughter Veronica did, led to the creation of a business. It's a unique business in that it centres around the most amazing community support for people desiring to be a healthy weight.  Laura truly walks her talk and embodies the belief that when it comes to our health, we can always improve it if we learn to question everything.

Inspire yourself with these essential insights from Laura Childs

Laura Childs talking healthy weight on Living Fabulously with Bev

We spoke about 

  • How the outcome of routine check-up created a catalyst for change

  • The value of research in understanding how to navigate nutrition

  • How leading by example attracted people who needed help

  • Recognising that a passion to serve was in fact a business

  • The need for awareness, compassion and amusement

  • How learning to question everything will shift beliefs and more

  • Putting ourselves first as a role model for others in our lives

  • The unique approach of the Utmost Diet membership site

  • Lessons from a 3 year old child

Value Quotes 

”I’m always amazed at what the human body is capable of – even when our health is degrading when we haven’t taken care of ourselves as well as we could have”

“And right up until my family doctor’s wake up call in 2013 I had no idea that my health and longevity was even in my control. I was certain that my fate would be determined more by genetics than by my actions”

“With a sombre expression my doctor informs me that I’ve gained enough weight to be classified as obese and that I’m showing signs of insulin resistance. And soon - she promises – she will be serving up a diagnosis and a life long prescriptions for type 2 Diabetes”

“And I’ll tell you – when we compared that ideal to the Government Guidelines – we had practically flipped it upside down”

“We realized that this is how we used to eat when we lived on the farm, how we all ate before the Industrial Era, before the availability of refined oils and processed flours and all these darn chemicals in our foods”

“We actually didn’t create a business – the business created us. And in a sense, it continues to create itself”

“The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.” Paulo Coelho

“We got so busy, researching for people and learning more about how healthy fats heal our cells, how sugar damages our cells, and how all the toxins in our foods are causing so many illnesses”

“We realized we had to step up and do whatever we could to help others reach their healthy body weight”

“I’d never thought about it until I embarked on my own journey – but I’ve seen it in others since. How we all go through a long series of mindset shifts – and attitudes – as we walk that path back to wellness”

“The greatest lesson I’ve learned is that when it comes to your health, it can always be improved”

“I can’t even begin to tell you how much your signature sleep course has helped me – the tools, knowledge, awareness – within. And feeling that underlying self-compassion built into everything you do. A dose of acceptance and forgiveness plus the inspiration to keep moving forward on the quest.”

“I learned to “question everything” – my doctor’s diagnosis, my beliefs, and my perceived potential”

“We don’t set great examples for our children or anyone else if we’re so busy looking after every one that we’re exhausted, run down, and potentially growing bitter”

“That’s another area where you’ve really helped me in awareness – your sleep journal – five minutes per day shows me how I’m treating myself, what I might like to improve on tomorrow, and the gifts of each day that I might have forgotten if I had simply crawled into bed, exhausted”

If you got value from this episode if you have not yet done so please Subscribe, Rate and Review on iTunes or Stitcher. You can follow the instructions here.  If you know someone else that would get value from this episode as well please share it with them.

Until next time fabulous podcast listener, I’m Bev and I invite you to live the fab life with me now! 

Episode Links 

You can find Laura Childs at:

Website:  http://utmostdiet.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/utmostdiet

My online course Sleeping Fabulously is a four week course where I take troubled sleepers through the process of understanding their sleep habits, to creating new habits that let them sleep soundly through the night.

You know how passionate I am about this subject and you know that it’s time for me to take my sleep message to more people.

Can I ask you to do something?

Would you be willing to be my Champion and champion the cause of better health and sleep with me?

What if, together, we could change ONE person’s life for the better? What if we could start more conversations about the topic of well-rested living? What if we could be...well, be rebels together?

Are you in?

I hope so!

Contact me if you need ideas or head to http://bit.ly/sleepfabulously to check out all the details and share the link thoughtfully with your friends and on social media

Thanks in advance for being a fabulous change maker

037 Bio-hacking your way to health | Dr Jamie Koonce

Whatever you might be going through with your health right now you probably have more control over it than you think
— Dr Jamie Koonce -

Good for us that Dr Jamie Koonce is a self-professed nerd from playground days.  Who would have thought that a childhood intuition to change her diet to prevent migraines would put her on a path to learning and discovering the role of epigenetics and the influence on our health and appearance.  Her passion for learning has not stopped and she now teaches people like you and I how to bio-hack our way to health.  You will be pleased to know that Jamie dispels the belief that there is ONE diet or nutrition protocol for everyone!

Inspire yourself with these essential insights from Dr Jamie Koonce

Dr Jamie Koonce Living Fabulously with Bev

We spoke about 

  • Jamie’s curiosity with the way the body worked from a young age

  • Having more control over our health than we think

  • The influence of epigenetics on our health and appearance

  • The role of genetic inheritance, lifestyle and environmental inputs

  • Understanding the effect of your genetics in relationship to your own diet and nutrition

  • Never too late to make changes that will improve your health and wellbeing

  • Determining and interpreting your genetic profile

  • Bio-hacking School

  • Why assessing how you’re doing with your health regularly is so important

Value Quotes 

”I was fascinated by the body, how you could change the way that you feel, the way that you look, everything about the body just by different environmental inputs”

“It seems a lot of people don’t make that connection even after they get very sick. They feel like they have no control and it’s just something that happened to them. They really do have control and I think that’s empowering to know.”

“Whatever you might be going through with your health right now you probably have more control over it than you think”

“You can turn off or turn on a gene for better or for worse depending on the environmental inputs”

“I’ve been studying this for several years and have found some very interesting things about how you can change your diet and your lifestyle to basically cause these epigenetic changes that are very desirable and to prevent the changes that are not”

“Understanding your own genetics helps you understand why none of these diet books work for everyone”

“Never settle for ‘this is just the way things are’ because it doesn’t have to be that way”

“Why would you settle for a mediocre life or mediocre health when you can have vitality and really feel amazing and do amazing things because you feel amazing”

If you got value from this episode if you have not yet done so please Subscribe, Rate and Review on iTunes or Stitcher. You can follow the instructions here.  If you know someone else that would get value from this episode as well please share it with them.

Until next time fabulous podcast listener, I’m Bev and I invite you to live the fab life with me now! 

Episode Links 

You can find Dr Jamie Koonce at:

Website:  www.drjamiekoonce.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drjamiekoonce/

My online course Sleeping Fabulously is a four week course where I take troubled sleepers through the process of understanding their sleep habits, to creating new habits that let them sleep soundly through the night.

You know how passionate I am about this subject and you know that it’s time for me to take my sleep message to more people.

Can I ask you to do something?

Would you be willing to be my Champion and champion the cause of better health and sleep with me?

What if, together, we could change ONE person’s life for the better? What if we could start more conversations about the topic of well-rested living? What if we could be...well, be rebels… together?

Are you in?
I hope so!

Contact me if you need ideas or head to http://bit.ly/sleepfabulously to check out all the details and share the link thoughtfully with your friends and on social media

Thanks in advance for being a fabulous change maker

024 Find your bliss and magic | Emma and Carla Papas

Living fabulously is about following the joy and the fun, so take note of actually what brings you happiness each day and do more of that
— The Merrymaker sisters -

The fabulous Merrymaker sisters, Emma and Carla Papas are such a buzz without the caffeine!  What a joy to have an open and meaningful conversation about their own wellbeing journeys and what following their bliss has meant for them.  I love how infectious their zest for life is and how they are so aligned and walking their talk yet keeping it real by keeping things simple.

Inspire yourself with these essential insights from Emma and Carla, the Merrymaker sisters 

The Merrymaker sisters

We spoke about 

  • Why and how the Merrymaker sisters help others to live a healthier, happier more magic filled life
  • How body image issues and constant dieting can transform through focus on a real food lifestyle
  • How the magic in our lives comes from the little things
  • Building awareness of how you can make changes to your day and attitude
  • Creating a toolbox of things to draw on
  • Simple changes to improve your wellbeing
  • Factoring in your workplace and relationships as part of your wellbeing
  • Figuring out and following your bliss even in your everyday activities
  • Motivators that keep us inspired and growing
  • Prioritising your health when you’re really busy or travelling
  • Connecting your health actions to your values and scheduling them in your calendar
  • Benefits of adding more fun and gratitude to your day 

Value Quotes 

“Sharing that journey with other people allows them to connect and know that are not alone:

“Society puts on these little goals for you. Like you know find the boyfriend, find the husband and have the kids, buy the house…that sucks out the magic of everything”

“It’s like this whole “should be” life. This is what you’re supposed to be doing”

“The magic comes from the little things”

“We owe it to ourselves and we owe it to the world to just live and fulfil our lives 100%”

“If we don’t make a change, it just stays the same”

“Knowing I can choose to change that if I do feel negative”

“Create your own toolbox of things, mantras, actions that help pull you out of those situations”

“Gratitude is the biggest game changer in the whole wide world”

“When you feel something is a bit off, getting in tune with yourself and taking action. There is so much power in that”

“There might be a reason to why you are feeling a certain way and the only way you’re going to figure it out is if you go on this self-discovery which you might need to hire help to do that with”

“It’s about one small step after small step. You don’t have to do it all at once”

“If you’re surrounded by negative toxic people that will impact your health”

“Being surrounded by like-minded people can re-ignite passion and change so much”

“If you don’t have those positive relationships go and find them”

“Your day will get more magical if you add more fun, if you add more of that joy”

“Find what you really love doing and open yourself up to the possibility as well”

“Breaking down how you get to a goal and enjoying that process”

“It’s also being ok with not being motivated all the time”

“Scheduling health actions in my calendar helps to remember to do it and it keep’s me accountable”

“You never leave a workout thinking ‘man I wish I didn’t do that’”

“Living fabulously is about following the joy and the fun, so take note of actually what brings you happiness each day and do more of that”

“Gratitude is fabulous so note 3 things you are grateful for each and every single day”

If you got value from this episode if you have not yet done so please Subscribe, Rate and Review on iTunes or Stitcher. You can follow the instructions here.  If you know someone else that would get value from this episode as well please share it with them.

Until next time fabulous podcast listener, I’m Bev and I invite you to live the fab life with me now! 

Episode Links 

You can find Emma and Carla, the Merrymaker sisters at:

Website: http://themerrymakersisters.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/themerrymakersisters

“We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us” - Joseph Campbell

Documentary Finding Joe: http://findingjoethemovie.com/clips/